Margaret Timbrell


“In this craziness, there are some really cool opportunities for artists to redefine our role in society. For example, I'm feeling inspired by "curating" mini Instagram galleries of works in progress by artists who I admire. Let's let art help carry us through this.”

available Works


I am an artist who moves between mediums. I graduated from NYU where I studied painting and photography. Around that same time I began needlepointing my own designs. My initial needlepoints were inspired by the idea of "art that matches the sofa". I literally needlepointed abstract art identical to my paintings onto canvas mesh, then turned the pieces into pillows that go with the sofa, shifting the art from the wall to the sofa.

I especially enjoy the relationship almost everyone has to needlework- an Aunt or Mother or Grandmother who stitched- and the joy with which people share these memories. It’s an interesting, mostly female, history. But needlework also has some very current ties to technology. The binary code in computer programming was first developed for the punch cards used in knitting/weaving machines. Needlework and textiles occupies an odd world somewhere between craft and art, human and technology.

I’m also inspired by pop culture, both low brow and high brow. I like to combine this very traditional craft with referential phrases and auto-correct errors to bring together these different worlds and mediums.

Margaret Timbrell resume

Mica England