Heather Lowe

Available Works



Heather Lowe’s work is predominantly concerned with perception and optical art. Her artwork has reached beyond color moiré to gradations of color and ground in diverse patterns that affect one another by altering hue or shape to generate images of nature. The possibilities of painting on mirrored glass have been explored in her work, as well as the resources of unaided stereography and for the last fifteen years she has been working in lenticular media. Lenticulars allow the viewer to see a changing, moving image from different perspectives.

These artworks are responses to several poems by René Char (1907–1988), one of which is included below. Textures and shapes break and recede from the surface plane, creating an illusion of depth.

Artist Resume


The Violent Rose

Entranced eye mute mirror

As I draw near I go far

Battlemented buoy

Head to head forget everything

Until the full heart heaves

The violent rose

Of null, transcendent lovers.

--René Char

(translated by Christopher Mulrooney)

Mica England