Dan Woodard

Available Works



After many years as an award-winning scriptwriter and director, I began channeling my creative energies into my love of sculpture.  My work has frequently been described as elegant, yet also earthy and powerful.  A current series, “Artifacts from a Former World,” is based upon my long held fascination with archetypes, archeology, myths, and rituals.  In each sculpture, my goal was to recreate the numinous quality of subconsciously shared images, stories, and ceremonial rites.  The sculptures, themselves, are composed of abstract forms that are covered with a rich, textural surface.  The end result is a complex organic piece that evokes a sense of ancient artifacts or of ritualistic objects from some unknown culture.  In this series, as in all of my work, my ultimate goal is to have the viewer feel a sense of familiarity with the work...a sense of knowing, of understanding.  I believe this sense of déjà vu arises from a collective unconscious that is shared by all of us.  

Artist Resume

Mica England