Ami Sanghvi

Available Works


Ami J. Sanghvi startup 1.jpg

I’m a 25-year-old female, Indian-American, Hindu-Jain, queer author, blogger, photographer, artist, and MMA fighter. I’ve published five poetry books at this time (Amaranthine, Devolution, Armageddon, Silk & Cigars, and Cerulean), and my sixth book, The Book of Soft, Sweet Nothings, is set to be released in April 2020. Currently Los Angeles based, I’m also pursuing my M.F.A. in Creative Writing at The California Institute of the Arts.

Although I try to pursue my visual art practices independent of my writing…one flows into the other regardless of my intentions; this can be seen in the magical realism aesthetics and political implications present in many of my photography and digital art pieces. I’m looking forward to seeing where the combination of my artist passion and academic curiosity finds itself next.

Artist Resume

Mica England