Francesca Saveri

I love color, form, and the heat of encaustic. These elements ignite my senses and bring forth a construction that is intuitive and reflective of my environment. Nature is my essential teacher whether in my native California or in Brazil where I travel yearly. This confluence of Brazil and California has inspired me to explore the use of strong color, bold shapes and organic mark making. I have learned from personal experience that color is a powerful change agent and can be used to influence emotions, health, and soulful integrity.

These small paintings speak to celebrating the contrast we experience in our lives. Our days are filled with highs and lows, stops and starts and unresolved urges. This space between “here and there” is precisely where edges can meet in joy or with a jolt. Through the use of vibrating colors, texture and a variety of marks I create an environment where differences harmonize and brighten our lives.


For more information about the artist, please visit her website.