Anna-Lena Sauer

In my work I strive to depict the unfathomable to make it experienceable. My acrylic paintings, as well as mixed media pieces and fabric sculptures are not based on sketches. Instead the composition is an integral part of the creative process itself. Ideas arise out of the application of multiple layers and removals of paint or fabric. When I’m working, I like to allow and give in to uncertainty. Hence, acting – which can be described as a play with color or fabric and their infinite potentialities – is to a great extent freed of rational control and mostly based on experiment. Currently I am fascinated by the material Nylon as a substitute for paint. In my entire work color and line as autonomous elements, transparency and the illusion of space are fundamental and constantly recurring subjects. My visual language is influenced by ad hoc forms and impressions of nature and environment. As a result my work often oscillates between the abstract and a vague sense of representation. In contemplation the viewer can lose and find oneself. By using the power of imagination, "reading“ happens in a multidimensional way. It is an active and engaging process. Viewing can take place again and again anew.


For more information about the artist, please visit her website.