Abhisar Gupta

My hope is that these photographs will pique your imagination, tickle your sense of wonder and curiosity, while evoking a sense of pleasure in the process. “What is this?” you might be tempted to ask while your imagination presents it’s own ideas. They are probably not what you think they are, and yet, who’s to say they aren’t exactly what you want them to be.

These are photographs of the surface of a soap film, that bursts soon after it is formed. I marvel at the notion that something so ephemeral can also be eternal through the magic it produces and the joy it brings. Indeed, when we ponder on it, the duration of their existence in our life is perhaps akin to that of our own on the cosmic scale.

It is worth noting that the film itself is mostly transparent and largely invisible. It is only when we look at it from particular angles that the colors emerge. It is, in a way, a constant reminder to learn to look at things in a different light. Appearances, after all, can be deceiving.

All we are seeing here is light. Or light transformed into its various visible color wavelengths through a process called “Interference”. The film is selflessly letting others shine through and be the star. Perhaps that is the path from insignificance to immortality, from worthless to wondrous.

Let’s not forget light either. The glorious, all-illuminating phenomenon is made up of so many different components that work seamlessly together helping life thrive. Each wavelength, as we can see here in different colors, is individually spectacular with its own characteristics. They work together in varying permutations to produce all the hues that exist in the world. What if, instead of harmony there was discord as each thought itself to be superior than the other? Darkness, destruction, and death would definitely descend upon us.

Imagine a world where humans could learn from light and the film of soap.

For more information about the artist, please visit his website.